Not paid writing, mind you, but I've been asked to contribute on a regular basis to the Trials & Tribulations blog. Right now this is the only place you can get decent information on the Phil Spector trial; the blog owner attended most of the first trial and is the only person other than the judge, attorneys, support personnel and the defendant to attend every day of testimony in this second trial. Mainstream media isn't even covering this trial on a daily basis!
My usual "beat" will include Bay Area shenanigans, including noteworthy and unusual crimes (usually involving murders), along with sanctuary city and illegal immigration rantings. It's a very entertaining blog with several contributors who are watching such cases as the Caylee Anthony tragedy and the Haut de la Garenne trial in France.
I should have something up later today about the BART shooting on January 1 and its aftermath (thus far).
Saltwater Heart Bumper Sticker
5 years ago
Thank you so much for agreeing to be a regular contributor to T&T! We are lucky to have you!
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