Forgive the photo of Bill Clinton, it's an image of Socks the Cat I was looking for!
The most honest creature that lived in the White House with the Clintons went to the Rainbow Bridge today.
Socks Currie, former "pet" of Chelsea Clinton, had been fighting mouth and jaw cancer. Those of us who love cats know that's a tough thing to overcome, and Socks was thought to be 19 or 20 years of age. He was helped to the Bridge this morning in Maryland, where he'd lived since the Clintons left the White House in 2001.
You might recall the Clintons chose for Socks to stay with former secretary Betty Currie rather than take him—a family member—with them to NY. Probably for the best. Look what happened to the dog they chose over Socks (poor Buddie got run over a short time after the move).
Betty Currie took great care of the cat, and gave him all the love he deserved. I read she specially prepared chicken for him to eat.
Bless you Betty Currie for taking care of this sweet creature. He is health and whole again and he's waiting for YOU at the Bridge. It's you he will be looking for, not any of the Clintons.
Saltwater Heart Bumper Sticker
5 years ago
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